How does it work?

  • Register

    Click “join us” to register, please make sure provide all the information required.

  • Approve

    Once the apply has been approved, an email will be sent to you.

  • Create and Share

    Create related content and don’t forget to include your affiliate link.

  • Reevaluate and Earn

    The commission is determined by the overall performance of your content. Reevaluated and paid every 3 months.

Who should join?

A social media influencer with fast-growing followers

A blogger, a website editor or journalist

An admin or moderator of a forum

A creative with unique impact

Step 1. Sign up on as an affiliate.
Step 2. Search for EIBOS or our MerchantID: 146845
Step 3. Apply to join our program and send an email to us via and wait for approval.
Step 4. Get the affiliate links.


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